Hesiod text: works-and-days-2
Hesiod on Librivox for free:Works and Days, The Theogony, and The Shield of Heracles – LibriVox
Hesiod on Audible for purchase: The Works and Days (this version also includes the Theogony and Shield of Heracles too)
Syllabus: clas-4040-syllabus-fall-2017
Henri marrou-old-education-sophism-2
Walden, Universities of Ancient Greece:
This week’s readings are in the same PDF as last weeks, just begin at page 46 ff.
Henri marrou-old-education-sophism
Also, I think I mislead you into thinking perhaps that you had to read the Gorgias dialogue for this week. It is actually to be read for next week.
I apologize for any confusion.