**Dear Class**
I’m sorry about the late time of posting this. If possible, please print this out, and bring it in tomorrow.
Thank you
The Republic Audiobook by Plato – YouTube
“The Republic” by Plato – LibriVox‘
Republic Book Three
**Please Print**
Please read:
04 – Book II Chapters 1-4 (Text 87)
05 – Book II Chapters 5-9 (Text 116)
**Quiz Monday**
Go to page 69 of the PDF for today’s lecture notes:
**Dear Class**
Here is the link for this week’s readings. It is the text of Valerie Warrior’s “Roman Religion: A Sourcebook”
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any issues, technological or otherwise.
Here, also, is the first PowerPoint:
Notes for the first lecture:
And syllabus