**Please Print**
Please read:
04 – Book II Chapters 1-4 (Text 87)
05 – Book II Chapters 5-9 (Text 116)
**Quiz Monday**
Go to page 69 of the PDF for today’s lecture notes:
Here is the PDF of the notes:
aristotles-ethics We listened to Lecture Two today.
And the Writing Assignments are the following:
1. If you were given a wide set of powers, or a large sum of money, what would you do with it? Then ask yourself why you would make these choices. In the final analysis, do you come to the conclusion that seeking happiness is the ultimate reason why you chose what you did and, thus, that happiness is the chief good of human life for which we choose all other things as means-to-an-end?
2. Do you agree that rationality is the “proper human function?”