Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
Pagans and Christians
Pagans and Christians
Jan 31 – Feb 5 all-day
Audio: The Martyrdom of Sts. Perpetua and Felicitas Text: Medieval Sourcebook: The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity Audio: Epistles of St. Ignatius Online text Audio:The Martyrdom of St. Polycarp Text:The Martyrdom of Polycarp Audio:[...]
Aristotle Writing Exercise and Notes
Aristotle Writing Exercise and Notes
Feb 2 all-day
Here is the PDF of the notes: aristotles-ethics We listened to Lecture Two today. And the Writing Assignments are the following: 1. If you were given a wide set of powers, or a large sum[...]
Pagans and Christians
Pagans and Christians
Jan 31 – Feb 5 all-day
Audio: The Martyrdom of Sts. Perpetua and Felicitas Text: Medieval Sourcebook: The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity Audio: Epistles of St. Ignatius Online text Audio:The Martyrdom of St. Polycarp Text:The Martyrdom of Polycarp Audio:[...]
Claudian “De Raptu Proserpinae”
Claudian “De Raptu Proserpinae”
Feb 5 – Feb 7 all-day
**Dear Class** Here is a link to the text for next week’s reading. It is a little long, but probably no more than one or two hours of reading. CLAUDIAN, RAPE OF PROSERPINE
Pagans and Christians
Pagans and Christians
Feb 7 – Feb 16 all-day
Letter to Diognetus (audio book) Letter to Diognetus Text: English Translation by J. B. Lightfoot To Autolycus, Book I (Theophilus of Antioch) To Autolycus, Book II (Theophilus of Antioch) To Autolycus, Book III (Theophilus of Antioch)[...]
Pagans and Christians
Pagans and Christians
Feb 7 – Feb 16 all-day
Letter to Diognetus (audio book) Letter to Diognetus Text: English Translation by J. B. Lightfoot To Autolycus, Book I (Theophilus of Antioch) To Autolycus, Book II (Theophilus of Antioch) To Autolycus, Book III (Theophilus of Antioch)[...]
CLAS 150 Singer of Tales
Classical Mythology
CLAS 150 Singer of Tales
Classical Mythology