Moral letters to Lucilius English Text
Moral Letters, Vol. I Free audio format
The Moral Epistles: 124 Letters to Lucilius for purchase at Audible
Hesiod text: works-and-days-2
Hesiod on Librivox for free:Works and Days, The Theogony, and The Shield of Heracles – LibriVox
Hesiod on Audible for purchase: The Works and Days (this version also includes the Theogony and Shield of Heracles too)
Plutarch • The Education of Children text
03 – A Discourse Touching the Training of Children, part 1 audiobook
04 – A Discourse Touching the Training of Children, part 2 audiobook
Plutarch • De Auditu text
31 – Of Hearing, part 1 audiobook
32 – Of Hearing, part 2 audiobook
Note the two translations are different, but the text for the audiobook can be found here: Online text on pages 3 and 441, respectively.