What College Was, Is, and Should Be: delbanco-college-pdf
Forms: Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
Building the Meaning: The Ablative Case (Consolidation)
**Please Print**
**Dear Class**
Here is the link for this week’s readings. It is the text of Valerie Warrior’s “Roman Religion: A Sourcebook”
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any issues, technological or otherwise.
Here, also, is the first PowerPoint:
Notes for the first lecture:
And syllabus
Audio: Book of Luke, Chapters 01-03
Audio:John by KING JAMES VERSION (KJV) – LibriVox
Text: Gospel of John
Text: Book of Acts
Book of Acts, Chapters 25-28 |
Prometheus Bound : Aeschylus
A helpful introduction: Prometheus Bound