Dear Class,
First, here’s an interesting article, very germane to our most recent class.
The Rhetoric of an Excellent Essay
Now, for this week’s assignment:
Regarding the Bonner text mentioned on the syllabus, I will try to put that up later this week.
Take care
**Dear Class**
I’m so sorry not to have put this out sooner. If you can, read something of this for tomorrow. If not by tomorrow, read it whenever you get a chance. It’s a very valuable text, and not easy to come by.
**Copy and Paste**
**Dear Class**
Here is the St. Augustine read for next week.
Text: Augustine, On Christian Doctrine (English)
What College Was, Is, and Should Be: delbanco-college-pdf
Forms: Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
Building the Meaning: The Ablative Case (Consolidation)
**Please Print**