Dear Class,
Here is the link for this week’s reading, same as last week’s link, but the pages to be read are from 46-60:
Also, here is a link to the audio files for Plato’s Gorgias, with on-line text:
Gorgias – LibriVox
Wikipedia Book – Gorgias (a little preliminary reference that may be useful)
And, if you are interested in the book review I mentioned about atheism in the ancient world:
Battling the Gods: Atheism in the Ancient World
Moral letters to Lucilius English Text
Moral Letters, Vol. I Free audio format
The Moral Epistles: 124 Letters to Lucilius for purchase at Audible
Hesiod text: works-and-days-2
Hesiod on Librivox for free:Works and Days, The Theogony, and The Shield of Heracles – LibriVox
Hesiod on Audible for purchase: The Works and Days (this version also includes the Theogony and Shield of Heracles too)